PAB 1-1/4 in. x 24 in. Preassembled Anchor Bolt with Washer
PAB 1-1/4 in. x 24 in. Preassembled Anchor Bolt with Washer
The Simpson Strong-Tie® PAB anchor bolt is a versatile cast-in-place anchor bolt ideal for high-tension-load applications, such as rod systems and shearwalls. It features a plate washer at the embedded end, sandwiched between two fixed hex nuts. The PAB also has a head stamp for easy identification after the pour.

ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' YELLOW RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' RED RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2x5 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT W/ANCHOR
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW CAST IN PLACE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED REPLACEABLE