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ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE

ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE



The 2448REPR-RED is ADA's Solutions 2' x 4' Replacable Red ADA Tile. The 2448REPR-RED Replaceable Truncated Dome Tiles come with anchors attached to the bottom that fit into freshly poured concrete. The Tiles are made with a composite of glass and carbon with a fiberglass finsih on the truncated domes for a long-lasting life and great durability. These tiles are placed along street corners, sidewalks, curb ramps, and parking lots. They became mandated as apart of the American Disability Act and helps warn the visually impaired when they are entering/exiting an intersection or traffic. 

ADA Solutions is the leading distributor in tactile warning surfaces and truncated dome tiles.Their ADA Tiles are the preferred tactile warning surface for all State and Federal DOT jobs. These tiles are made in the USA and we stock all the vaeriety of colors (brick red, grey, yellow) and application types (surface mount, replaceable, cast-in-place, and radius) you can find!

Not recommended to be used on asphalt installation. Concrete must be poured, leveled, and smooth finshed in the exact dimenision of the tile prior to placing the 2448REPR-RED (Must be a 2' (24") x 4' (48") surface). 

if you have any questions, looking to order large quantities, or need additional information, please feel free to give us a call at 800-604-0088.

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