LSTA 1-1/4 in. x 12 in. 20-Gauge Galvanized Strap Tie (Pack of 50)
LSTA 1-1/4 in. x 12 in. 20-Gauge Galvanized Strap Tie (Pack of 50)
The LSTA is designed to resist tension loads in wood-to-wood applications. This light strap tie utilizes a staggered nail pattern to help minimize wood splitting. The LSTA is designed for use on the edge of 2x members. LSTA 1-1/4 in. x 12 in. 20-Gauge Galvanized Strap Tie (Pack of 50).

ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' YELLOW RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' RED RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2x5 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT W/ANCHOR
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW CAST IN PLACE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED REPLACEABLE