Radians Deterrent® 32 Disposable 250 Pair Earplugs
Radians Deterrent® 32 Disposable 250 Pair Earplugs
Tested according to ANSI specs S3.19, Radians Made in the USA, DETERRENT® disposable foam earplugs feature soft, slow-recovery foam for extreme comfort and outstanding noise reduction to protect your hearing. They are easy to roll down and insert, and they expand slowly for a low-pressure fit in virtually any size ear canal.

ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' YELLOW RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' RED RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2x5 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT W/ANCHOR
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW CAST IN PLACE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED REPLACEABLE