HUSQVARNA W 70 P - 967664701
HUSQVARNA W 70 P - 967664701
Stainless steel container, crush-proof hose, cast aluminium swivel hose lock, galvanized steel dolly and steel clamps for tight air seal are details allowing for a long service life.
The patented filter/float system provides maximum airflow and reliable wet shut-off in case of overfill.
The powerful evacuation pump is capable of pumping the slurry 9 metres vertically or 200 metres horizontally.
The welded frame enables easy transportation by resting the machine on the frame.

ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' YELLOW RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2' X 3' RED RADIUS TILE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2x5 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT W/ANCHOR
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 RED REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X4 YELLOW CAST IN PLACE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 YELLOW REPLACEABLE
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED SURFACE MOUNT
ADA Solution/Detectable Warning Surface Tiles 2X3 RED REPLACEABLE