Poured-in-Place Median Barrier and Parapet Forms
All-steel units can be furnished in complete packages or as component parts. Available in 5' or 10' standard lengths.
Choose an Adjustable Yoke or an Adjustable Top Tie to provide top widths from 6" to 14" in 1" increments. The Adjustable Yoke allows a tieless design and self-stripping capability. Remove a few bolts, lift from the yoke, and both sides strip and fly.
Standard Precast Median Barrier Forms
Symons provides formwork for a variety of methods for precasting median barriers.
Standard precast forms are furnished in 10' or 12' lengths and may be bolted end-to-end for long line applications. Anchor to a casting bed for conventional precasting, or use the Adjustable Trunnion Bulkhead for rollover duty.
Rollover Median Barrier Forms
The rollover method is accomplished by attaching Symons unique Adjustable Trunnion Bulkhead. Standard 10' or 12' lengths can be bolted end-to-end for barriers up to 36' long. This highly productive method allows casting more product with standard formwork and minimal labor.