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EJ V4075-1 Mountable Curb Inlet Hood, GADOT Type 1019M with Approval Stamp

EJ V4075-1 Mountable Curb Inlet Hood, GADOT Type 1019M with Approval Stamp

The EJ V4075-1 Series curb inlet hood pairs with a compatible EJ curb inlet assembly to effectively drain roadside runoff to the underlying drainage system.

  • Meets Georgia DOT (GDOT) GA1019M specification
  • 12.625" deep for a curb that is 5" high x 7" deep
  • Mountable, non-adjustable hood pairs with your curb inlet assembly to match the curb dimensions and effectively drain roadside runoff
  • Gray iron material construction promises strength and integrity, offering the greatest protection for passersby and your underlying structure
  • Undipped casting with natural patina for maximum environmental friendliness and resistance to rust and corrosion
  • Heavy duty load rating is proof load tested to a minimum of 40,000lbs
  • Meets material certifications ASTM A48 Class 35 and AASHTO M105 standards
  • Product made in USA
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