Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Ride-On Power Trowel: Keep that ride on power trowel on the job by keeping your equipment in Peak Condition!

Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Ride-On Power Trowel: Keep that ride on power trowel on the job by keeping your equipment in Peak Condition!


As one of the nations top selling vendors for ride on power trowels such as Allen Engineering, Multiquip and Husqvarna, ProContractor Supply wants our customers to get the most out of the equipment we sell.


To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your ride-on power trowel, regular maintenance is key. In this blog, we will discuss essential maintenance tips to help you keep your ride-on power trowel in peak condition, allowing you to achieve excellent results and maximize its lifespan.

Daily Inspections:

Perform a thorough inspection of your ride-on power trowel before each use. Check for any loose or damaged components, leaks, and worn-out parts. Pay special attention to the blades, gearbox, hydraulic system, and engine. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and downtime.


After each use, clean your power trowel to remove concrete residue, dirt, and debris. Use a pressure washer or a hose with a high-pressure nozzle to effectively clean the machine. Pay attention to the blades and the areas around the engine and gearbox. Ensure that the machine is completely dry before storing it to prevent corrosion.

Blade Maintenance:

The blades of your power trowel are critical for achieving a smooth and level finish. Inspect the blades regularly for wear and tear. Replace them if they are excessively worn or damaged. Keep the blades clean and free from debris to maintain their performance. Additionally, periodically check and adjust the blade pitch to ensure proper operation. ProContractor Supply carries the best blades and pans available and we ship!


Proper lubrication is essential for the smooth functioning of your ride-on power trowel. Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines to determine the recommended lubrication points and intervals. Use high-quality lubricants suitable for the specific components of your power trowel, such as the gearbox, bearings, and pivot points. Regular lubrication will reduce friction, prevent premature wear, and extend the life of your equipment.

Engine Maintenance:

The engine is the heart of your ride-on power trowel. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for regular engine maintenance. This includes changing the oil, replacing filters, inspecting spark plugs, and adjusting the engine's idle speed and carburetor settings as needed. Proper engine maintenance will enhance performance, improve fuel efficiency, and minimize the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

Belt and Chain Inspection:

Inspect the belts and chains of your power trowel for signs of wear, damage, or slackness. Replace any worn-out or damaged belts promptly. Adjust the tension of the belts and chains according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure proper operation and prevent unnecessary strain on the components.

Hydraulic System Check:

Check the hydraulic system regularly for leaks, proper fluid levels, and smooth operation. Inspect hoses, fittings, and seals for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice any leaks or irregularities, address them immediately to prevent further damage to the system and maintain optimal performance.


When not in use, store your ride-on power trowel in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area. Protect it from extreme temperatures, moisture, and direct sunlight. Cover the machine with a waterproof tarp or a specialized equipment cover to keep it free from dust and debris.


ProContractor Supplies’ Repair and Maintenance Shop is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding any of these tips.


When it comes to ProEquipment  ProContractor Supply is the preferred choice of professional contractors across this great nation.

 We carry the full line of top names such as Allen Engineering, Multiquip and Husqvarna ride on power trowels.



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